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Integration of a new brand and website relaunch

For EQOS, the task was to strategically place and present a new brand architecture on the website and to plan and execute the website relaunch. 

#Modern, appealing, purposeful - a new website that stands out!

EQOS works at 40 locations in five countries to ensure, that the network infrastructure is working smoothly.. As one of the leading service providers in this field, a new website was needed that features a clear designas well as simple user guidance and handling for internal contentmaintenance and optimally bundles all brands.

5 Phasen des Projekts

Beratung und Strategie: Restrukturierung der Markenarchitektur, Umgang mit neuer Multipage-Struktur


Eine starke Basis schaffen: Entwicklung eines Relaunch-Konzeptes


Die neue Website: Eigenentwicklung von individuellen Elementen für einen unverkennbaren Websiteauftritt


Contentpflege, SEO-Betreuung, Einrichtung Tracking, Service und Wartung für eine optimal performende Seite


SEO-Schulung: Optimierungspotenziale erkennen und umsetzen



Vorher Nachher

#Implementing the new desired page by focusing on clear design and easy handling

At the beginning of the project, the integration of a new brand had to be considered for the Internet presence. In close coordination, a relaunch concept was developed by setting the time and budget framework and defining a new domain structure. The goal of the project was to create a new, modern website for desktop and mobile, that would feature a user-friendly design and ease of use. From the very beginning, EQOS was closely involved in the development processes and thus the development of the individual elements by #Die.Digitalfabrik could take place simultaneously with the content maintenance by EQOS – real teamwork, thanks to which time and money could be saved. From the beginning, it was a requirement that the content maintenance for all countries can be done by EQOS itself and that the site runs stable and secure. After final training, EQOS is now able to optimize regarding Google itself and knows the important issues, when it comes to text and images.

eqos mobile

Got curious? Make an appointment today for website relaunch, SEO or brand integration!