#SEA – mit Werbung über Google Ads zum Erfolg

sea ads example 1

#Google Adwords​

Every day, people search for all kinds of information on the Internet and usually start their search via Google. They can pursue different search intentions: browse and be inspired, inform, shop online or find a store. The end device used can also differ among searchers, although a clear trend towards increasing numbers of smartphone users can be seen today.

Depending on what the user wants to find on Google and whether they are surfing on their cell phone or using their laptop at home or in the office, Google Ads offers the option of displaying ads to users specifically for thematically relevant search queries and optimized for the end device.

With optimally designed text ads, your online store or your product will be displayed at the top of the search results. In contrast to the organic
search engine optimization, your business doesn’t have to compete for the lower organic search results.

In search engine advertising, you bid for a place in the search results that the user sees immediately at first glance. This is how you increase your traffic and sales significantly with Google Ads. #Die.Digitalfabrik ist deine SEA Agentur aus Dortmund, die deine Anzeigen bei Google, Bing und Co. performant realisiert.

#Die passende Google Ads Strategie für dein Unternehmen

We present your ads for your online store or website exactly where your potential customers are. By using Google Ads, you can be sure of a high ranking in the search results and turn users into customers at the right moment with an optimally targeted ad. As an official Google Partner, we know exactly what to do.

SEA is worthwhile both as a stand-alone measure and as part of a comprehensive marketing strategy with, for example, SEO support or effective social media campaigns. Above all, an SEA strategy helps you to reach many users who are comparatively likely to convert for you, while other marketing channels are more effective for strengthening your branding and reaching other target groups, for example.

#SEA: Gemeinsam erreichen wir deine Unternehmensziele

We bring quality traffic to your website so that the purchase or the next booking is just a click away. This not only increases your sales, but also your brand presence in search engines. If your primary goal is to perform offline and get more customers into your store or branches, this is no problem with Google advertising and special search ads, especially if these are also supplemented by other online marketing channels.

#Google Shopping:
Der Boost für deinen Online Shop

With the help of Google Shopping, the products of your online store can be presented at the top of the Google search. Important information such as product images, prices and descriptions are already included. With just one click the customer is taken directly to the corresponding item detail page from the Google Shopping ads.

#Die.Digitalfabrik supports you from the setup of your Google Ads account and Google Merchant Center to the creation and maintenance of product feeds and the selection and optimisation of suitable Google Shopping campaigns.

Google Shopping Beispiel Canon

#Volle Budgetkontrolle bei Google Adwords

With Google Ads, the advertising budget can be set individually and adjusted or paused at any time. In addition, more than the pre-determined maximum amount for a month is never spent Whether the demand for your product or service varies throughout the day or you benefit from seasonal business, all conditions can be taken into account in your bids. You only pay when a user clicks on your Google ad. So you always have full control – and #Die.Digitalfabrik gets the best out of your advertising budget as an SEA agency.

We align the bidding strategy with previously defined goals. From classic CPC bids to increase traffic to CPM bids to increase brand awareness to smart bidding strategies for optimal conversion optimization – our experts are familiar with all bidding strategies and choose the optimal one for your business.

You can also take a look at this case study. Here we explain how we developed and implemented a successful SEA strategy for Coffeeforme.

#SEA: Mit Qualität zum Erfolg

Have you ever advertised on Google and not been satisfied with the output? This may be because of the quality factor that Google uses as a basis for displaying ads. Google uses the quality factor to assess the quality of the ads, the keywords used and the target pages. The specification of the quality factor comprises a value from 1 to 10 and is always related to keywords. Among other things, it is calculated from the expected click-through rate, the relevance of the ad and the user experience with the intended target page. In addition, regional and historical account data is also taken into equation.

#Die.Digitalfabrik erreicht durch eine Verbesserung des Google Qualitätsfaktors eine höhere Platzierung in den Suchergebnissen bei gleichem CPC oder senkt deinen CPC bei gleicher Positionierung – ganz danach, was für dich wichtiger ist. As a successful SEA agency, we optimize the success of your ads.

You want to learn more about SEA and Google Ads or start directly with us? Then arrange a non-binding consultation with us today.